Thursday, April 18, 2013

Spring is Finally Here!

A great taste of it was my experience today: 80+ degrees, sun and a little dirt under the fingernails from some outside work.  Just the beginning of that!  But, not to get too excited because colder temperatures are expected to return for the weekend.  That's ok, I can use the time to continue my much-needed, way-overdue overhauling of my workspace (and many other spaces in my house!), and for more projects.  I have an extensive art and craft show schedule over the next several months, so much inventory will be needed.

Speaking of inventory, I am working on a few new lines: hardware-inspired and composed jewelry, using nuts, washers, retainer rings, cotter pins, hardware chain and wire and more.  Pretty cool stuff.  Then, on a completely opposite end of the hardware style is my handpainted lace jewelry.  I paint a pattern or blend colors, then connect or add beads, chain, etc. to construct very feminine very unique jewelry.  Could be a basis for some wedding jewelry, with June just around the corner and all!!  Photos coming soon (I have them on my phone just need to get them HERE!)

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Hello and welcome to my blog.

My name is Jody Lanham and my blog is about my business, Designs by Jody.  I make jewelry of eclectic design (that is I create all kinds of styles and use all kinds of materials).  My two favorite "styles" lean toward the Native American/Southwest with lots of stone, wood, bone, shell, leather and feathers; and the Vintage/Retro thing with lots of antique metals, gemstones and glass, ribbon, chains and charms.

I first started making jewelry as therapy and a relaxation-time activity when I was dealing with some personal issues.  I found that I liked the variety of beads and wires and findings and all the elements of the process of creating a finished piece of jewelry.  The more I worked with it the more I liked doing it and like with anything, the more I did it the better I got!  I am still learning and still improving, but I am at a point where I feel I have come around with a look that people who have seen and purchased my pieces are beginning to recognize.  Is that possible with so many different underlying styles?  Apparently so, I even recognize myself myself!  I do things a certain way, I add a certain touch, I use certain materials and shapes and colors that feel good to me and that I typically like the end results of when my product is finished.

There will be pictures shortly but right now I just want to get some information out there so my readers (you!) have an idea of what I and my business are about!  Welcome and thanks for taking a moment...

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